
In the summer of 2020 Practitioner Cheryl Gleghorn gave CSL Manatee the gift of guiding us through our next phase of spiritual expansion with the powerful practice of visioning.

We continue this tradition of being guided by Spirit in our twice monthly visioning sessions. Led by our Ministers and Practitioners, we meet on Zoom on the second and fourth Friday at 11:00.

In case you were wondering…

What is the purpose of visioning? To provide a place in meditative consciousness where Spirit’s idea of this church can manifest itself. We participate in this process in order to catch Spirit’s vision, not for any specific things that we want to manifest.

Who can participate in visioning? Anyone and everyone! If you enjoy meditation, if you want to support CSL Manatee, and if you are ready for deep spiritual insights then this experience is ready for your loving consciousness. Read the visioning questions, or get more information by reading the article by Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith, and join the conversation on Zoom.