"Change Your Thinking
Change Your Life."

— Ernest Holmes

Center for Spiritual Living Manatee is a spiritual community that honors all paths to God and can help you experience a personal relationship with God. When God is the focus of our spirituality then other areas of our lives fall into place — we are happier, we can do more for others, be better stewards of the Earth, and help bring peace and harmony to the world.

Think about a spiritual place you'd like to visit that welcomes people of all races, religions, sexual orientations and social backgrounds in dignity and love. A place where they believe in diversity and provide a multitude of opportunities for anyone.

What would it be like to be part of a spiritual community that is practical and provides tangible steps and programs for individuals and families to change and apply spiritual principles in their lives immediately?

You've found your spiritual home and it's waiting for you.

A Welcoming Community

What is Science of Mind

Our Affirmation

Sunday Services on 1st and 3rd Sunday at 6:00 pm Eastern Standard Time on ZOOM
Sunday Services on 2nd and 4th Sunday at 11:00 am Eastern Standard Time on ZOOM
Meeting ID: 402 249 6830 / Password 873129
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