11:04:02 From Cheryl Spitzer : Good Morning, I must leave early to go to the Tampa airport. It's nice to see y'all. ☮️💙🙏Cheryl 11:17:56 From Mary Alpaugh : Tomorrow, Mon. 1/13, 4 pm to 5:30 pm: Class two of 4 of M.A.P.: The Art and Practice of Meditation, Affirmation and Prayer. Continuing each Monday in January. When traveling on the Journey of Life, it’s best to take a MAP! Through the power of spiritual messages, meditation and music, Spiritual Guides Rev. Maria and Practitioner Jeri Fraser will create a peaceful space that allows you to tune into the deepest part of your Essential Self, where the Highest God of Imagination meets the innermost God of Belief. It is your birthright to reside in that inner space. All classes are available on a Donation Basis. Online at CSLM's zoom or in person at Jeri's home in The Villages: jlfraser@snet.net More information at RevMariaS@aol.com 11:18:23 From Mary Alpaugh : Sat. 1/25 11 to 4 pm: The CSL Practitioner Council is presenting Super Sensational Saturday, a presentation by Practitioners, Rev. Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith and Rev. Dr. Soni Cantrell-Smith. Free registration is now open at https://shop.csl.org/product/super-saturday-2025 Sun. Jan. 26 11 am: Sunday Celebration. Rev. Maria will be leading us in a Celebration of the 138th Birthday of Ernest Holmes. And just after the service, please make plans to stay for a few minutes at noon for a brief Members Meeting to address a proposed By-Laws amendment. Also on Sun. 1/26 8 pm EST: To Celebrate Ernest Holmes’ birthday, Center for Spiritual Living is hosting a Virtual Concert with some of our favorites: Karen Drucker, Jami Lula, Jesse Powers, Amy Steinberg and many more. 11:18:53 From Mary Alpaugh : There will be Silent and Live Auctions, Prizes and Givaways. Tickets are $13.80. To purchase tickets or a candle to support the event, see: https://scienceofmindarchives.com SAVE THE DATES: Mon. 1/27 noon: The monthly CSL Connection Call, deferred from the 3rd Monday due to Martin Luther King Day. Access through the CSL announcements at communications@CSL.org To save all of this chat, click on the three dots at the top of the chat, which creates a document that you can save in your browser (computers only). Or you can email Mary at caflpw@aol.com for a copy. 11:28:17 From Cheryl Spitzer : Here's to community! BBFN☮️