11:12:08 From Jaye Hargrove : Beautiful prayer and reading! 🙏🙏 11:14:58 From CJS : Yes, Marby, it was perfectly beautiful. Thank you. 11:21:48 From Denise Judd : Reacted to "Beautiful prayer and..." with ❤️ 11:34:53 From Mary Alpaugh : Wed. 11/27 1:30 pm: Science of Mind Study Group with Rev. Maria Wed. 11/27 7:30 pm: Playing In The Field of Gratitude - Thanksgiving Service. Our Practitioners will join friends from Dr Carolyn’s group CSDAAL & Practitioner Connee Chandler’s Sterling Study Group for a special holiday service of prayer, music, meditation & gratitude! Zoom access is on the CSLM zoom. Sun. 12/11 am: In-person Gathering. Linda Tompkins, RScP is providing the use of her condominium clubhouse so we can enjoy a Potluck on Sunday, December 1st at 11:00 am. In addition to sharing food, there will be meditation, crystal bowls, spiritual readings, and a bookstore/giveaway table. 11:35:54 From Mary Alpaugh : Linda has a connection to Bring on the Ministry, which is currently focused on relief work for those impacted by the recent hurricanes. Current requests are extension cords (all sizes), small packages of laundry The Clubhouse address is 4110 36th Avenue West, Bradenton FL 34205. Access Cortez Villas via 43rd St. from either Manatee Avenue West or Cortez Avenue. The clubhouse is 1/2 block on the right, look for the flag. South of Bradenton Christian School. Sun. 12/1 6 pm: Spiritual Practices: In the evening on zoom.. to save this chat, go to the top of the chat and click on the three dots at the top. This will produce document that you can save. 11:37:04 From Mary Alpaugh : Don't forget to let Rev. Maria know what you will be bringing. (Pie is the only thing I know is claimed thus far.) 11:44:05 From Linda Tompkins : Items needed from Bring on the Ministry: extension cords of all sizes, small pkgs laundry soap, full size dish soap, full size shower gels. Gift cards ($10, $20) for Publix, Aldi’s, gas. Thanks! 11:47:46 From CJS : Linda, what is the address for your clubhouse? 11:49:14 From Denise Judd : I think it is this above: The Clubhouse address is 4110 36th Avenue West, Bradenton FL 34205.